domingo, 19 de junio de 2016

Dr Felix Heli Contreras Martinez creates the Global Social Management Office in Cucuta-Colombia #IamVolunteer

Dear volunteers who identify with the Community Service, welcome to the Global Social Management Office, with principal headquarters in Chapinero of Cucuta in Colombia, South America.

Dr Felix Heli Contreras Martinez creates the Global Social Management Office in Cucuta-Colombia #IamVolunteerWe are the Volunteering of the Global Social Management Office

Chapinero of Juan Atalaya, Saturday 10:30 pm (03:30 GMT) 18Jun2016 Cucuta, Colombia, North of Santander (#IamReporter) .- Finally, landed in good time the idea of ​​creating a non-profit and private based in Cucuta, capital of the Department North of Santander and projection beyond our country's borders, which satisfies the ego of the inspiration of its author, professional colombo-venezuelan law (graduate of the Free University of Colombia in Cucuta and in the University of Los Andes 'ULA' of Merida-Venezuela), Digital Citizen (certified by the External University of Colombia, the Technological Center of  Comuneros in Cucuta and of the Cucuta city) and Volunteer Social Management without borders (paid Community Service in San Antonio del Tachira-Venezuela for the title Specialization in Foreign Trade of Venezuela), Felix Helí Contreras Martinez (native of Gramalote-Colombia) - to benefit many individuals and families who requires management services and real solutions to assist in the needs and problems of the people.

Indeed, this blogweb "# GestiónSocialGlobal of URL:" is created by a gentle courtesy of Google's Blogger to reflect all activity related to the Social Management under the leadership of Contreras Martinez, also cyberjournalism.

Importantly, to the health situation announcing who writes this note presentation on behalf of the Office of Global Social Management what Felix Contreras presides, initially in Cucuta-Colombia, and waiting to get ahead of the Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) it remains at rest and permanent bladder catheter; expected to God through prayer and with their friends, followers, readers and potential volunteers, there is no need of operation, so we can begin formally with the proposal that this blogweb #GestiónSocialGlobal disclosed.

Finally, those who wish to interact directly with the founder of the Global Social Management Office in this capital, can be contact with Dr. Felix Contreras, via cell phone to the number +57-312-3598024 or electronically to mail:

*****God alone satisfies. | This note has been adapted into English language by Felix Heli Contreras Martinez, with the help of Google Translate on the Internet.

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